We study dynamical systems which have bounded complexity with respect to three kinds metrics: the Bowen metric d n , the max-mean metricd n and the mean metric d n , both in topological dynamics and ergodic theory.It is shown that a topological dynamical system (X, T ) has bounded complexity with respect to d n (resp.d n ) if and only if it is equicontinuous (resp. equicontinuous in the mean). However, we construct minimal systems which have bounded complexity with respect tod n but not equicontinuous in the mean.It turns out that an invariant measure µ on (X, T ) has bounded complexity with respect to d n if and only if (X, T ) is µ-equicontinuous. Meanwhile, it is shown that µ has bounded complexity with respect tod n if and only if µ has bounded complexity with respect tod n if and only if (X, T ) is µ-mean equicontinuous if and only if it has discrete spectrum.