The following g-factors have been derived from time integral measurements of 7-7 angular correlations in the static magnetic hyperfine field of magnetized gadolinium metal probes:= +0.310(19) g(6 +) = + 0.25(21) 4 + g~ 3,1511 keV)= +0.809(27) 158Gd: g(4 +) = +0.409(15).The 5.35 d 156Tb sources were produced by the reaction t 56Gd(d ' 2 n) 156Tb in our cyclotron. A carrier-free 150 y 15STb source was obtained from ISOLDE/CERN. In comparison with the precisely known g-factors of the 2+ states, g(2+, 156Gd)= +0.386(4) and g(21 +, 158Gd)=0.381(4), we observe a large reduction for the 156Gd 4~-state whereas g increases slightly for 15SGd. The half-life of the 4+ state of t58Gd was remeasured as 158Gd: T1/2(4+)= 148(2)ps. A measurement of the rotation in the 4~ state of lS6Gd in external magnetic fields of various strengths up to B~xt=9.5 T did not confirm the anomalous dependence of the magnetic hyperfine field in gadolinium metal on the external field, which has been reported by Persson et al. [29].