Publication costs assisted by the University of ColoradoMass transport through three polymeric membranes (Cuprophan, poly(acrylonitrile), and a poly(acry1onitrile) membrane with an adsorbed protein layer) is studied. A series of eight compounds ranging in molecular weight from 60 (urea) to 1355 (vitamin BIZ) were investigated. A complete set of transport properties are reported including the permeability coefficient, sieving coefficient, pressure-filtration coefficient, and frictional coefficients representing the interactions of solute-membrane, solute-solvent, and solvent-membrane. Solute permeability for diffusive transport correlates well for all membranes studied with solute molal volume except for sulfobromophthalein (BSP). Because of strong membrane-solute frictional interactions, BSP has a reduced permeability. The sieving coefficient, which characterizes convective transport, also correlated with solute molal volume except for BSP and the lipophilic compound thiopental, The reduced convective transport of BSP is again due to its high frictional interactions with the membranes. The sieving coefficient for thiopental is markedly reduced although its permeability was normal. The membrane tortuosity factors for thiopental were also reduced. These facts indicate the existence of multiple diffusive pathways for thiopental and its exclusion from some solvent pathways in the membranes studied.
IntroductionThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the mechanisms of mass transport through polymeric membranes. Membranes are important separation devices extensively used in application such as renal dialysis and reverse osmosis. Although the theory of membrane transport is well established, there are few experimental studies of membrane transport mechanisms. The work of Kauffman and Leonard7y8 and Ginzberg and Katchalsky6 are notable exceptions. In order to test theoretical concepts a wide range of solutes and two membranes often used in renal dialysis were chosen for study.Membranes are usually characterized by the following three parameters of the solute: permeability coefficient, w , the pressure filtration coefficient, L,, and the reflection coefficient, u. Often the sieving coefficient, S = 1 -u, is used instead of the reflection coefficient. The flux equations written in terms of these coefficients are (Keedem and K a t~h a l s k y )~