Abstract. The statistics of quantities involved in the synthesis of cloud scenes have been investigated from an original data base. Frequency distributions of ice and water content (IWC), horizontal and vertical sizes (L and H), and top temperatures (T) of clouds above Europe have been derived for nine types of clouds (As, Cb, Ci, Cg, LwCg, OrCg, Cs, Ns, Sc). It appears that the cumulated frequency plots can be well ®tted with log-normal or Weibull pro®les, and that for IWC and T cloud types can be split into two or three classes according to slopes in logarithmic coordinates. Crosscorrelation coecients between IWC, L, H and T have been also derived. Implications for the physics of the cloud build-up processes are brie¯y outlined. Critical analysis and comparison of other published results are proposed.