Optical grating technique, where optical gratings are generated via light inference, has been widely used to measure charge carrier and phonon transport in semiconductors. In this paper, compared are three types of transient optical grating techniques: transient grating diffraction, transient grating heterodyne, and grating imaging, by utilizing them to measure carrier diffusion coefficient in a GaAs/AlAs superlattice. Theoretical models are constructed for each technique to extract the carrier diffusion coefficient, and the results from all three techniques are consistent. Our main findings are: (1) the transient transmission change ∆T/T0 obtained from transient grating heterodyne and grating imaging techniques are identical, even these two techniques originate from different detection principles; and (2) By adopting detection of transmission change (heterodyne amplification) instead of pure diffraction, the grating imaging technique (transient grating heterodyne) has overwhelming advantage in signal intensity than the transient grating diffraction, with a signal intensity ratio of 315:1 (157:1).
I. INTRODUCTIONCarrier diffusion in semiconductors is crucial in electronic and opto-electronic devices, since it determines some key parameters of the devices, such as working frequency and response time.Studying carrier diffusion process can also reveal carrier scattering in semiconductors, assess carrier mobility with Einstein relation, and understand interactions between carriers and phonons, defects, and nanostructures. Currently, there are several optical techniques to measure the carrier diffusion coefficients nondestructively: transient grating [1,2], spatial scanning pump-probe [3,4], and grating imaging [5,6]. In the transient grating method, two pump beams overlap on the sample surface to generate a transient carrier density grating. A probe beam shines on the grating and the diffracted probe is taken as the signal, which reflects the decaying process of the carrier density grating. In the spatial scanning pump-probe technique, both the pump and probe beams are tightly focused onto the sample surface. The pump generates a Gaussian-shape carrier package and the probe is scanned spatially across the pump spot. By measuring the differential transmission or reflection (∆T/T0 or ∆R/R0) of the probe as a function of time and position, the evolution of the carrier package, which contains the information of carrier diffusion, is recorded. In the grating imaging technique, pump and probe beams overlap on a physical transmission amplitude grating (a photomask with metal strips patterned onto a glass substrate), whose image is formed by an objective lens onto the surface of the sample. The intensities of pump and probe beam on the sample are modulated in the same pattern as the transmission amplitude grating. The pump generates transient carrier grating in the sample, while the probe only detects the evolution of carrier density in the bright-strip regions. By measuring either ∆T/T0 or ∆R/R0 of the probe as a function o...