We compute the contribution from the longitudinally polarized proton to the twist-3 doublespin asymmetry A LT in inclusive (light) hadron production from proton-proton collisions, i.e., p ↑ p → h X. We show that using the relevant QCD equation-of-motion relation and Lorentz invariance relation allows one to eliminate the twist-3 quark-gluon correlator (associated with the longitudinally polarized proton) in favor of one-variable twist-3 quark distributions and the (twist-2) transversity parton density. Including this result with the twist-3 pieces associated with the transversely polarized proton and unpolarized final-state hadron (which have already been calculated in the literature), we now have the complete leading-order cross section for this process.1 Data from RHIC is on tape for AN in prompt photon production and several predictions exist for this asymmetry within collinear factorization [34,37,39].2 ALT in ep collisions is also an interesting twist-3 asymmetry and has been studied in Refs. [46][47][48].