Approved for the University Committee on Graduate Studies.iii iv Acknowledgements Doctoral dissertation research is meant to be an individual endeavor, an original contribution to the pool of human knowledge. High energy physics in the past twenty years however has developed into a science where results can come only from the cooperative efforts of many researchers, and where an individual, especially a graduate student must rely on the knowledge and help of many colleagues, friends, and fellow scientists.First and foremost I thank my adviser, Rafe Schindler, who incessantly tried to pass on to me his profound knowledge in particle physics, and to make me understand the important aspects of scientific research. Especially in the last few month, when I was writing this thesis, I learned to appreciate the always open door to his office and the experience with which he guided me through this process. I'm most grateful that I have had the opportunity to work with and learn from him, and I hope that I can show in the future that his teachings have fallen on fertile soil.