Abstract-There is emerging interest in more detailed models for wireless shadowing, which may include nonconstant shadowing variance, non-lognormal shadowing, and, most importantly, correlation between paths; we focus on this last aspect. This paper offers a structured synthesis of the existing literature on autocorrelation and cross-correlation in wireless shadowing and attempts to fill existing gaps in the analysis of correlation models. We make a survey of these models and argue, as has previously been observed, that certain models are not mathematically feasible, which may lead to problems in simulations or analysis. We then state some theorems that test whether the models are positive semidefinite, which is the central necessary condition for feasibility, and evaluate the existing models accordingly. Additionally, we evaluate the models according to their physical plausibility, which leads us to choose one model among many as arguably the best one in existence so far. This paper should be useful as a guide on how to implement shadowing correlation in one's work, how to choose an appropriate correlation model, and how to modify existing models or create new models so that they fulfill mathematical feasibility.