Two recently proposed concepts to improve the perturbative calculation of exclusive amplitudes, gluonic radiative corrections (Sudakov factor) and confinement size effects (intrinsic transverse momentum) are combined to study the neutron magnetic form factor in the space-like region. We find that nucleon distribution amplitudes modelled on the basis of current QCD sum rules indicate overlap with the existing data at the highest measured values of momentum transfer. However, sizeable higher-order perturbative corrections (Kfactor) and/or higher-twist contributions cannot be excluded, although they may be weaker than in the proton case.
2In a recent paper [1] we have studied the space-like proton form factor within a theoretical scheme proposed by Li and Sterman [2], which takes into account gluonic radiative corrections in the form of a Sudakov factor [3]. This scheme naturally generalizes the standard hard scattering picture (HSP) of Brodsky and Lepage [4]-commonly used to calculate exclusive reactions within perturbative QCD-by taking into account the transverse momentum of the partons.A major point in our proton form-factor analysis was to show that proper treatment of the α s -singularities demands the imposition of an appropriate infrared (IR) cut-off to render the form-factor calculation both finite and insensitive to the inclusion of the soft region of phase space. This is in contrast to the pion case [2], where a "natural" IR cut-off appears in the form of the interquark separation. Considering in detail optional IR cut-off prescriptions [5][6][7], we found that maximum IR protection is provided by introducing as a common IR cut-off in the Sudakov (suppression) factor the maximum interquark separation ("MAX" prescription [1]). The underlying physical idea is the following: One expects that because of the color neutrality of a hadron, its quark distribution cannot be resolved by gluons with a wavelength much larger than a characteristic interquark separation scaleb l .Thus, gluons with wavelengths large compared to the (transverse) hadron size probe the hadron as a whole, i.e., in a color-singlet state and decouple. As a result, quarks in such configurations act coherently and therefore (soft) gluon radiation is dynamically inhibited.The "MAX" presription not only suffices to suppress the α s -singularities, but also preserves the finiteness of the integrand of the expression for the form factor, even when renormalization-group (RG) evolution of the wave function is included. An additional bonus of the "MAX" prescription is that the proton form factor saturates, i.e., becomes insensitive to the contributions from large transverse separations. Admittedly, little confidence is put in perturbative treatments of the large-distance region, so that saturation of the form factor at transverse distances as low as possible is a prerequisite for a self-consistent perturbative calculation.In [1] we have pointed out that the recent numerical analysis by Li [5] of the proton 3 form factor has serious drawbacks...