The out-of-time-ordered correlator (OTOC) diagnoses quantum chaos and the scrambling of quantum information via the spread of entanglement. The OTOC encodes forward and reverse evolutions and has deep connections with the flow of time. So do fluctuation relations such as Jarzynski's equality, derived in nonequilibrium statistical mechanics. I unite these two powerful, seemingly disparate tools by deriving a Jarzynski-like equality for the OTOC. The equality's left-hand side equals the OTOC. The right-hand side suggests a protocol for measuring the OTOC indirectly. The protocol is platform-nonspecific and can be performed with weak measurement or with interference. Time evolution need not be reversed in any interference trial. The equality enables fluctuation relations to provide insights into holography, condensed matter, and quantum information and vice versa. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.95.012120The out-of-time-ordered correlator (OTOC) F (t) diagnoses the scrambling of quantum information [1][2][3][4][5][6]: Entanglement can grow rapidly in a many-body quantum system, dispersing information throughout many degrees of freedom. F (t) quantifies the hopelessness of attempting to recover the information via local operations.Originally applied to superconductors [7], F (t) has undergone a revival recently. F (t) characterizes quantum chaos, holography, black holes, and condensed matter. The conjecture that black holes scramble quantum information at the greatest possible rate has been framed in terms of F (t) [6,8]. The slowest scramblers include disordered systems [9][10][11][12][13]. In the context of quantum channels, F (t) is related to the tripartite information [14]. Experiments have been proposed [15][16][17] and performed [18,19] to measure F (t) with cold atoms and ions, with cavity quantum electrodynamics, and with nuclear-magnetic-resonance quantum simulators.F (t) quantifies sensitivity to initial conditions, a signature of chaos. Consider a quantum system S governed by a Hamiltonian H . Suppose that S is initialized to a pure state |ψ and perturbed with a local unitary operator V . S then evolves forward in time under the unitary U = e −iH t for a duration t, is perturbed with a local unitary operator W, and evolves backward under U † . The state |ψ := U † WUV |ψ = W(t)V |ψ results. Suppose, instead, that S is perturbed with V not at the sequence's beginning, but at the end: |ψ evolves forward under U , is perturbed with W, evolves backward under U † , and is perturbed with V . The state |ψ := V U † WU |ψ = V W(t)|ψ results. The overlap between the two possible final states equals the correlator: push an ion-trap potential along some direction in space [26]. Let F := F (H f ) − F (H i ) denote the difference between the equilibrium free energies at the inverse temperature β: 1 F (H ) = − 1 β ln Z β, , wherein the partition function is Z β, := Tr(e −βH ) and = i or f . The free-energy difference has applications in chemistry, biology, and pharmacology [27]. One could measure F , in principle, by measuring th...