We report an approach to improving the performance of spin torque nano-oscillators (STNOs) that utilizes power-dependent negative feedback to achieve a significantly enhanced dynamic damping. In combination with a sufficiently slow variation of frequency with power this can result in a quasi-linear STNO, with very weak non-linear coupling of power and phase fluctuations over a range of bias current and field. An implementation of this approach that utilizes a non-uniform spin-torque demonstrates that highly coherent room temperature STNOs can be achieved while retaining a significant tunability. In a spin-torque nano-oscillator (STNO) a spin-polarized current (I) excites persistent magnetic precession at microwave frequencies in an unpinned magnetic element, the free layer (FL), when the anti-damping spin torque ( st ) is sufficient to compensate the magnetic damping torque ( d ) [1,2,3,4,5,6]. A seemingly attractive feature of STNOs is their high agility, i.e. a strong variation of oscillation frequency f with oscillator power, but this, as pointed out by the non-linear auto-oscillator (NLAO) analysis [2,7,8,9], couples thermally-generated amplitude and phase fluctuations, which degrades phase stability (broadens the oscillator linewidth f).Here we present a method for achieving enhanced phase stability in a STNO device which utilizes a magnetic configuration that naturally implements enhanced negative feedback of oscillator power fluctuations and hence achieves a high effective dynamic damping. When employed in a STNO design that under appropriate bias conditions also exhibits single mode behavior and a relatively low agility, this results in a low field, quasi-linear STNO with a room temperature f ≈ 5 MHz, very close to that predicted for a linear STNO with the same oscillator energy.Several conditions are necessary for achieving narrow STNO linewidths. First, to eliminate mode jumping and other mode-mode interactions that invariably broaden linewidths [10,11], the STNO must exhibit single mode excitation. Second, the phase stability of the mode should be maximized. Initial guidance for this is provided by the NLAO analysis [12,13,14,15] which concludes that the amount by which amplitude fluctuations of the STNO renormalizes its thermally-generated intrinsic phase noise is determined by a nonlinear coupling factor (ν). This leads to the prediction [2,7,8] that ∆f is, in the regime whereHere where ε is the in-plane maximum excursion angle from the precession axis). The coupling factor is defined aswhere p is the instantaneous normalized power (which may fluctuate away from 0 p ), 0 2 / N df dp is the agility of the STNO (assumed to be independent of I, except through p 0 (I ) ), and the total damping ( , ) ( This NLAO analysis indicates that ∆f is minimized when both E 0 is maximized and is minimized, with ideally 1, which leads to strategies [17,18,19] for the reduction of through the application of either an in-plane hard axis or an out-of-plane magnetic field, Experiments [20,21,22,23,2...