We report on measurements of the spontaneous emission factor for oxide-confined InGaAs vertical cavity surface emitting lasers. The spontaneous emission factor is determined as a function of the active layer volume from the measurement of small-signal harmonic distortion at threshold. For a 3ϫ3 m oxide aperture device we obtain spontaneous emission factor of 4.2•10 Ϫ2 at room temperature. © 1997 American Institute of Physics. ͓S0003-6951͑97͒03501-8͔The possibility of controlling spontaneous emission in semiconductor microcavities has attracted considerable attention due to predictions of essentially thresholdless lasing and enhanced modulation bandwidth. 1 The spontaneous emission factor  has been measured for buried mesa VCSELs with dielectric mirrors, 2 gain-guided VCSELs, 3,4 optically pumped lasers with planar resonators, 5 and for air-post mesa VCSELs at low temperatures. 6 The  factor of oxideconfined VCSELs was estimated from the spectral and angular width of the spontaneous emission. 7 The results reported thus far differ significantly from structure to structure and the measurement conditions, with the highest values of  ϳ10 Ϫ2 observed at low temperatures. 5,6 The enhancement in the value of  is expected to significantly affect the laser performance when the lateral dimensions of the cavity are reduced to less than 1 m. 8,9 Unfortunately, VCSEL size scaling is limited by increasing optical loss and consequently the threshold carrier density. In addition, the enhancement of spontaneous emission in a microcavity formed by distributed Bragg reflectors is limited by the finite width of the reflection band and the optical field penetration into the mirrors. 10 Oxide confined VCSELs are characterized by significantly reduced internal loss and have already demonstrated record performance levels in terms of the threshold current and power conversion efficiency. 11 Lasers with the lateral cavity dimensions below ϳ1 m appear feasible.Devices used in our measurements are based on three InGaAs quantum wells in the active region, and are designed to emit at 980 nm. Two quarter-wavelength Ga 0.02 Al 0.98 As layers, one above and one below the active region, are partially oxidized to form the current aperture. Devices with the aperture sizes in the range of 3-25 m exhibit threshold currents from 0.27 to 3.3 mA, and threshold voltages of 2.6-1.4 V.The conventional method of estimating the  factor is based on the rate equations fitting the measured light-current ͑L-I͒ curve. 12 When applied to VCSELs, this technique is likely to be inaccurate. In very small devices, the temperature of the active region, and therefore the threshold and efficiency, are dependent on the drive current as a result of self-heating, and these effects require careful compensation. Larger index guided devices lase in multiple transverse modes ͓see Fig. 1͑b͔͒, and the modal distribution is also dependent on the drive current, even though calculations usually assume it to be constant.An alternative technique is used here to determine . It i...