Modern, high-brightness electron beams such as those from plasma wakefield accelerators and free-electron laser linacs continue the drive to ever-shorter bunch durations. In low-charge operation (∼20 pC), bunches shorter than 10 fs are reported at the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS). Though suffering from a loss of phase information, spectral diagnostics remain appealing as compact, low-cost bunch duration monitors suitable for deployment in beam dynamics studies and operations instrumentation. Progress in middle-infrared (MIR) imaging has led to the development of a single-shot, MIR prism spectrometer to characterize the corresponding LCLS coherent beam radiation power spectrum for few-femtosecond scale bunch length monitoring. In this letter we report on the spectrometer installation as well as the temporal reconstruction of 3 to 60 fs-long LCLS electron bunch profiles using single-shot coherent transition radiation spectra. 41.60.Dk, 41.75.Ht Generation and characterization of femtosecond duration electron bunches are of paramount importance in high-energy collider, plasma wakefield accelerator (PWFA), and x-ray free-electron laser (FELs) applications. In a PWFA, driven by either a laser or an electron bunch, the duration of the accelerated bunch is intrinsically shorter than the plasma oscillation period which is typically on the order of 100 fs [1]. In x-ray FELs, it is understood that reducing the charge per bunch alleviates internal space charge and other nonlinear, beam-induced forces allowing for a corresponding reduction of the minimum possible duration. For example, when operating with tens of picocoloumb bunch charges the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) [2] is capable of generating electron and x-ray pulses with durations of just a few femtoseconds [3]. Diagnosis of the longitudinal electron distribution is therefore highly desirable for FEL optimization studies and presents a unique challenge to the resolution of existing diagnostics, reaching into the few-fs scale. In this letter we present first results using a newly developed frequency-domain diagnostic with advantages of economy and robustness over direct timedomain diagnostics [4][5][6] for the LCLS. The prism-based spectrometer demonstrated yields novel, single-shot measurements over a wide, middle-infrared (MIR) spectral range previously unexplored in longitudinal beam diagnostics.Frequency-domain bunch length measurements are based on observing the power spectrum of light from an electron bunch undergoing a radiative process, occurring when the beam experiences a change in trajectory or medium [7,8]. In the low-frequency range, where κ ∼ < (2πσ z ) −1 with σ z the electron bunch length and κ the spatial frequency κ ≡ 1/λ, the radiated power has a well-known coherent enhancement that scales with the number of electrons N over the incoherent beam radiation background. In the one-dimensional bunch limit where the transverse electron beam size is much smaller than the transverse coherence length, the coherent spectral density profile c...