The absorptance of a material at the laser wavelength and as a function of temperature, ranging from room temperature to the removal point, significantly affects the efficiency of the laser machining process. A priori predictions of a laser machining process, using either simplistic or sophisticated models, requires knowledge of the material's absorptance behavior. An experimental apparatus for such measurements is described. The device consists of a specimen mounted inside an integrating sphere, heated rapidly by a CO 2 or a Nd:YAG laser. Reflectances are measured with a small focused probe laser (Nd:YAG or CO 2 ), while specimen surface temperatures are recorded by a high-speed pyrometer. Experimental results have been obtained for wavelengths of 1.06 m (Nd:YAG) and 10.6 m (CO 2 ) for graphite, alumina, hot-pressed silicon nitride, sintered -silicon carbide, as well as two continous-fiber ceramic matrix composites (SiC-based). Data are presented for temperatures between room temperature and the ablation/decomposition points.