In this paper, we present a new cosmology based on the idea of a universe dominated by vacuum energy with time-varying curvature. In this model, the universe began with an exponential Plank era inflation before transitioning to a spacetime described by Einstein's equations. While no explicit model of the Plank era is yet known, we do establish a number of properties that the vacuum of that time must have exhibited. In particular, we show that structures came into existence during that inflation that were later responsible for all cosmic structures. A new solution of Einstein's equations incorporating time-varying curvature is presented which predicts that the scaling was initially power law with a parameter of 1 2 γ = before transitioning to an exponential acceleration of the present-day scaling. A formula relating the curvature to the vacuum energy density is also a part of the solution. A non-conventional model of nucleosynthesis provides a solution for the matter/antimatter asymmetry problem and a non-standard origin of the CMB. The CMB power spectrum is shown to be a consequence of uncertainties embedded during the initial inflation and the existence of superclusters. Using Einstein's equations, we show that so-called dark matter is, in fact, vacuum energy. A number of other issues are discussed.