The breakdown behaviour of SiPMs (Silicon PhotoMultiplier) with pixel sizes of 15×15, 25×25, 50×50, and 100×100 µm 2 , manufactured by KETEK, has been investigated. From the currentvoltage characteristics measured with and without illumination by LED light of 470 nm wavelength, the current-breakdown voltage, V I , and from linear fits of the voltage dependence of the SiPM gain, measured by recording pulse-area spectra, the gain-breakdown voltage, V G , have been obtained. The voltage dependence of the Geiger-breakdown probability was determined from the fraction of zero photoelectron events with LED illumination. By comparing the results to a model calculation, the photodetection-breakdown voltage, V P D , has been determined. Within experimental uncertainties, V I and V P D are equal and independent of pixel size. For V G , a dependence on pixel size is observed. The difference V I − V G is about 1 V for the SiPM with 15 µm pixels, decreases with pixel size and is compatible with zero for the SiPM with 100 µm pixels.