received and accepted dates provided by the publisher other relevant dates provided by the publisher PACS 78.67.Hc -Quantum dots PACS 71.35.Pq -Charged excitons (trions) PACS 71.70.Jp -Nuclear states and interactions Abstract -By using highly time-resolved spectroscopy with an alternative σ + /σ -laser pulse modulation technique, we are able to measure the fast buildup and decay times of the dynamical nuclear spin polarization (DNSP) at 5 K for a single InAs quantum dot (QD) with positively charged exciton. It is shown that the nuclear dipole-dipole interaction can efficiently depolarize DNSP with a typical time constant of 500 μs in the absence of external magnetic field. By using an external field of 8 mT to suppress the nuclear dipolar interaction, the decay time turns to be mainly induced by interaction with unpaired electron and extends to about 5 ms. In addition, it is found that the time constant of holeinduced depolarization of nuclear spin is about 112 ms.Introduction. -Hyperfine interaction between the electron in a single quantum dot (QD) and the ensemble nuclear spins recently has attracted considerable attention due to its potential applications in spin-based quantum information processing [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8]. Dynamical nuclear-spin polarization (DNSP) can be achieved by optically polarized electron in QD even in the absence of external magnetic field provided that the Knight field BB e (~ 1mT) is larger than the local nuclear dipolar field of ~ 0.1mT [9,10]. It is reported that the effective depolarization of DNSP via electron-mediated hyperfine interaction in InGaAs QDs has a decay time of ~ 10 s, being longer than the fast depolarization via nuclear dipole-dipole interaction which is on a time scale of ~ 10 s [1,11]. The absence of nuclear depolarization induced by the nuclear dipolar field in InGaAs QDs was ascribed to the strain-induced quadrupolar interactions, as had been explained qualitatively in InP, InAs and InGaAs QDs, to suppress the effect of nuclear dipolar field [11][12][13], but a faster depolarization of DNSP with a decay time of 250 μs due to the dipolar interaction was indeed observed in CdSe/ZnSe QDs [14]. So the open question is whether the quadupolar effects have a significant influence to suppress the dipole interaction in InGaAs QDs. The determination of intrinsic time scales of relaxation times is very important for understanding the polarizing and controlling DNSP [13,15,16]. Therefore, it is needed to confirm by the experimental measurements.