Here we show that the Pfaffian state proposed for the 5 2 fractional quantum Hall states in conventional two-dimensional electron systems can be readily realized in a bilayer graphene at one of the Landau levels. The properties and stability of the Pfaffian state at this special Landau level strongly depend on the magnetic field strength. The graphene system shows a transition from the incompressible to a compressible state with increasing magnetic field. At a finite magnetic field of ∼ 10 Tesla, the Pfaffian state in bilayer graphene becomes more stable than its counterpart in conventional electron systems.Ever since the discovery of the quantum Hall state at the Landau level filling factor ν = 5 2 , the first evendenominator state observed in a single-layer system, it has been very aptly characterized as an "enigma" [2]. It was clear at the outset that this state must be different from the fractional quantum Hall effect (FQHE) in predominantly odd-denominator filling fractions [3,4]. Understanding this enigmatic state has been a major challenge in all these years [5]. At this half-filled first excited Landau level [6], a novel state described by a pair wave function involving a Pfaffian [7,) has been the strongest candidate. More intriguing are the elementary charged excitations at this ground state that have a charge e * = e/4 and obey 'non-abelian' statistics [10,11]. Recent observation of the e * = e/4 quasiparticle charge at ν = 5 2 quantum Hall state [12] has brought the issue to the fore [13]. It has been suggested that these non-abelian quasiparticles, besides carrying the signatures of Majorana fermions [14] in this system, might even be useful for quantum information storage and processing in an intrinsically fault-tolerant manner [15].Electrons in another recently discovered twodimensional system, graphene [16], display a range of truly remarkable behavior [17]. The dynamics of electrons in a single sheet of graphene, a hexagonal honeycombed lattice of carbon atoms is that of massless Dirac fermions with linear dispersion, chiral eigenstates, valley degeneracy, and unusual Landau levels in an external magnetic field [17]. Theoretical studies of FQHE in monolayer [18] and bilayer graphene [19] were reported earlier by us. Recent experimental observations of the ν = 1 3 FQHE in monolayer graphene [20] have provided a glimpse of the role highly correlated electrons play in graphene. Given the accute interest in studying the properties of the ν = 5 2 state in conventional twodimensional electron gas (2DEG), a natural question to ask is how does this state manifests itself in graphene.For the conventional (nonrelativistic) 2DEG the incompressible state at ν = 5 2 has been studied numerically for a finite number of electrons [13]. A relatively good (but not 100%) overlap with the Pfaffian state has been found. The overlap of the exact wave function of the finite-size systems with the Pfaffian state can be improved by varying the inter-electron potential. For example, by increasing the thickness of the two-...