Abstract.Cross section measurements for the neutron induced reactions on GaAs have been carried out at ten different neutron energies from 7.5 to 15 MeV, using the activation technique. The monoenergetic neutron beams were produced via the 2 H(d,n) 3 He reaction, known for it's high neutron yield in the chosen energy regime. GaAs samples were activated along with the Au and Al monitor foils, for estimating the incident neutron flux. The induced activiy was measured using high resolution γ-ray spectroscopy. Five reaction channels viz., 69 Ga(n, 2n) 68 Ga, 69 Ga(n, p) 69m Zn, 71 Ga(n, p) 71m Zn, 75 As(n, 2n) 74 As and 75 As(n, p) 75 Ge, have been reported for the comprehensive cross section measurements. The results are compared with the existing literature data and the available evaluations. Statistical model calculations, based on the Hauser-Feshbach formalism, have been carried out using the TALYS and EMPIRE codes and are compared with the experimental values.