The possibility of bound two-pion (Cooper) pairs in a mtclear medium and their eventual Bose condensation is pointed out.. This stems from the fact that free ~" -lr scattering in the I = 0, l = 0 channel shows attraction and that the kinetic energy is strongly suppressed in matter through coupling to A -h intermediate states. Connections to the a meson in effective field theories for nuclear matter are discussed.Phase shift analyses of 7r -7r scattering in the I = 0, t = 0 channel show [1] that there is attraction between two pions. However, the force is too weak to give rise to a bound two-pion state. Possibly this situation changes when two pions scatter within nuclear matter. Indeed it is well known that there is suppression of the pion kinetic energy, and hence binding is favoured. This effect is due to the self-energy contributions from nucleon-hole and delta-hole excitations and expressed in the pion dispersion relation ~(v) = ~/m# + (1 + a)p~ _~ m~ + 2m; + '" (1) by the parameter a ~ -0.6 to -0.8 or the effective mass rn;/m~ ~-2 to 3 in normal nuclear matter [2]. We have used the pion dispersion relation (1) for in-medium ~r -~r scattering. This is of course not entirely correct since, as usual, the (uncorreIated) two-pion propagator is defined by the folding integral
G~(E,g) = / dE' f d3q'D~(E-E',g-~)D~(E',~) (2)whenever the single-pion propagator D~ contains an energydependent selfenergy such as the one created from p -h or A -h bubbles which in fact lead to the value of a indicated above. Nevertheless, under the assumption that the one-pion propagator exhibits a well-defined pole, the folding integral (2) indeed reduces to the free two-pion propagator with w(p) given by (1) replacing the vacuum dispersion relation (a = 0).We therefore employed the T-matrix parametrization of Johnstone and Lee [1] (5) which reproduces perfectly the measured 500 phase shifts. For the scattering in nuclear matter we simply replace in (4) the vacuum dispersion relation by (1). In Fig. 1