Results from a numerical study examining micro-/macrorelations linking local geometry parameters to sound absorption properties are presented. For a hexagonal structure of solid fibers, the porosity , the thermal characteristic length ⌳Ј, the static viscous permeability k 0 , the tortuosity ␣ ϱ , the viscous characteristic length ⌳, and the sound absorption coefficient are computed. Numerical solutions of the steady Stokes and electrical equations are employed to provide k 0 , ␣ ϱ , and ⌳. Hybrid estimates based on direct numerical evaluation of , ⌳Ј, k 0 , ␣ ϱ , ⌳, and the analytical model derived by Johnson, Allard, and Champoux are used to relate varying ͑i͒ throat size, ͑ii͒ pore size, and ͑iii͒ fibers' cross-section shapes to the sound absorption spectrum. The result of this paper tends to demonstrate the important effect of throat size in the sound absorption level, cell size in the sound absorption frequency selectivity, and fibers' cross-section shape in the porous material weight reduction. In a hexagonal porous structure with solid fibers, the sound absorption level will tend to be maximized with a 48Ϯ 10 m throat size corresponding to an intermediate resistivity, a 13Ϯ 8 m fiber radius associated with relatively small interfiber distances, and convex triangular cross-section shape fibers allowing weight reduction.