Background: Undetected apnea can lead to severe hypoxia, bradycardia, and cardiac arrest. Tracheal sounds entropy has been proved to be a robust method for estimating respiratory flow, thus maybe a more reliable way to detect obstructive and central apnea during sedation. Methods: A secondary analysis of a previous pharmacodynamics study was conducted. Twenty volunteers received propofol and remifentinal until they became unresponsive to the insertion of a bougie into the esophagus. Respiratory flow rate and tracheal sounds were recorded using a pneumotachometer and a microphone. The logarithm of the tracheal sound Shannon entropy (Log-E) was calculated to estimate flow rate. An adaptive Log-E threshold was used to distinguish between the presence of normal breath and apnea. Apnea detected from tracheal sounds was compared to the apnea detected from respiratory flow rate. Results: The volunteers stopped breathing for 15 s or longer (apnea) 322 times during the 12.9-h study. Apnea was correctly detected 310 times from both the tracheal sounds and the respiratory flow. Periods of apnea were not detected by the tracheal sounds 12 times. The absence of tracheal sounds was falsely detected as apnea 89 times. Normal breathing was detected correctly 1,196 times. The acoustic method detected obstructive and central apnea in sedated volunteers with 95% sensitivity and 92% specificity. Conclusions: We found that the entropy of the acoustic signal from a microphone placed over the trachea may reliably provide an early warning of the onset of obstructive and central apnea in volunteers under sedation.
UNdETEcTEd apnea can lead to severe hypoxia, bradycardia, and even cardiac arrest.1 Pulse oximetry and capnography are recommended by the American Society of Anesthesiologists for monitoring spontaneous breathing in patients receiving moderate sedation.2 A pulse oximeter detects hypoxemia by continuously measuring the oxygen saturation of arterial blood so that apnea can be discovered, but there can be significant delay between the onset of apnea and oxygen desaturation, especially when the patient receives supplemental oxygen or when hypothermia and vasoconstriction are present.3-5 capnography detects apnea by the absence of carbon dioxide in expired gas, but reliably sampling exhaled gas with a face mask or nasal cannula is problematic in nonintubated patients. 6,7 Tracheal sounds originate from the vibrations of the tracheal wall and surrounding soft tissues caused by gas pressure fluctuations in the trachea. 8 The signals from a microphone or a piezo-electric film transducer placed over the trachea have been processed to monitor respiratory rate Received from the Department of Biomedical Engineering, College of Basic Medical Sciences, China Medical University, Shenyang, Liaoning, P. R. China, and the Department of Anesthesiology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. Submitted for publication April 10, 2012. Accepted for publication January 18, 2013. Supported by a grant from China Medical University, Shenyang,...