Particulate matter (PM) is a significant pollution problem on the global scale. There are different ways to measure PM from stationary sources. The most used types of PM collection methods include different filters. These include cellulose, glass, mixed and membrane filters. In this study PM samples were measured in the flue gas condenserfog unit system before and after the unit according to ISO 9096 standard using isokinetic and gravimetric method. PM concentrations after fog unit were measured at different water flows and nozzle types. Impact factors, that effect PM concentrations before and after the fog unit are listed and studied in detail. Achieved results show that the fog unit can be one potential technology for particle matter emission decrease from the household sector.
Keywords -Flue gas condenser; flue gas treatment; fog unit household emissions; isokinetic and gravimetric method; particulate matter Nomenclature PM Particulate matter µg/m 3 or mg/Nm 3 t Temperature °C m Mass mg or g Environmental and Climate Technologies ____________________________________________________________________________ 2019 / 23 136The problem of PM pollution is topical throughout the globe. The World Health organization has developed guidelines for created PM, ozone, nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide emissions, that are based on evaluation of data gained through expert-conducted scientific studies and are applicable to any country. Guideline values are set for PM2.5 (fine particulate matter, FPM) and PM10 (coarse particulate matter, CPM). An annual mean for PM2.5 is 10 µg/m 3 , but 24-hour mean should not exceed 25 µg/m 3 . For PM10 annual mean is 20 µg/m 3 , but 24-hour mean is 50 µg/m 3 [3]. Study done by Steinberga shows that maximum daily concentration of PM2.5 and PM10 at Riga can reach 52.5 µg/m 3 at summer months and 83.4 µg/m 3 at winter months, respectively [4].A study by Chen et al. shows that in 2015 over 45 % from PM emissions in Europe were created by small capacity combustion units, while industrial wood combustion units can create an amount of PM that is comparable to one measured in densest cities at traffic hours. Studies carried out in China have shown that biomass use in combustion units can make up to 19-37 % of the total PM amount, depending on weather conditions and season, as well the type of biomass used. The parameter of fuel that causes the biggest impact on PM emissions is its moisture content [5], [6]. However, PM10 emission which come from transport sector also must be taken into account to solve pollution problem with solid emissions concentration in the world [7].There are different ways to measure PM emissions and to determine their concentration that can be found in literature. For example, International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has issued several standards for the determination of stationary source emissions, such as ISO 25597:2013: Test method for determining PM2.5 and PM10 in stack gases using cyclone and sample dilution systems [8] and ISO 9096:2017 for Manual determina...