SummaryFour double-contained receiver tanks (DCRTs) at Hanford will be used to store salt-well pumped liquids from tanks on the Flammable Gas Watch List. This document was created to serve as a technical basis or reference document for flammable gas issues in DCRTs. The document identifies, describes, evaluates, and attempts to quantify potential gas carryover and release mechanisms. It estimates several key parameters needed for these calculations, such as initial aqueous concentrations and ventilation rate, and evaluates the uncertainty in those estimates. It justifies the use of the Schumpe model for estimating vapor-liquid equilibrium constants. It identifies several potential waste compatibility issues (such as mixing and pH or temperature changes) that could lead to gas release and provides a basis for calculating their effects. It evaluates the potential for gas retention in precipitated solids within a DCRT and whether retention could lead to a buoyant displacement instability (rollover) event. It discusses rates of radiolytic, thermal, and corrosive hydrogen generation within the DCRT. It also describes in detail the accepted method of calculating the lower flammability limit (LFL) for mixtures of flammable gases.The report incorporates these analyses into two models for calculating headspace flammability, one based on instantaneous equilibrium between dissolved gases and the headspace and one incorporating limited release rates based on mass-transfer considerations. Finally, it demonstrates the use of both models to estimate headspace flammable gas concentrations and minimum ventilation rates required to maintain concentrations below 25% of the LFL. The report describes the methodology, the results at the only known (but probably highly underestimated) ventilation rate of 3 cfh, and the parametric sensitivity of the results.However, no actual predictions of DCRT headspace flammability are implied. This document is intended to provide background information for future DCRT modeling and recommendations for improving the technical basis of modeling. Although modeling results are presented here, the waste properties and potential pumping scenarios are so variable as to require case-by-case modeling for a safety basis. This document, therefore, does not and cannot provide a safety basis but rather guidance (based on current knowledge) as to conditions that a safety basis should meet.We have identified no major flaws in the approach previously published in a calc-note by Hedengren et aL (1997). Although we developed a somewhat different mathematical model for predicting flammable gas concentrations within the DCRT, we found little difference between our predictions and those from Hedengren et aL when the same initial dissolved gas concentrations were assumed. We also found that for most purposes the assumption of equilibrium does not produce large overestimates of DCRT headspace flammability until ventilation rates are much higher than the 3 cfh assumed in the other analyses.
The analyses in this document in...