While previous research has illustrated the importance of measuring and interpreting results of organizational culture of innovation, few of the instruments in existence, and particularly the Innovation Quotient instrument, have yet to be validated beyond their initial use. In part one of the present investigation, Danks, Rao, and Allen ( 2017 ) sought to validate the Innovation Quotient instrument and assess the extent to which it was reliable across relevant organizational groups. In that study, it was identifi ed that each of the six models demonstrated adequate model fi t using confi rmatory factor analyses, but each of the models also presented a lack of evidence for discriminant validity and reliability across some of the organizational groups. As multicollinearity was excluded as a possible contributor to the issue, it was proposed that future research investigate alternative models, such as the specifi cation of a global, six-factor construct of innovation culture instead of being specifi ed as six individual, three-factor models. It was also proposed that additional research explore possible explanations for inconsistencies in score reliability estimates across groups, particularly for the values , resources , processes , and climate blocks, as multiple reliability thresholds were not met.Th e purpose of Part 2 of this investigation is to explore and validate alternative models of a culture of innovation, using Rao and Weintraub ' s ( 2013 ) Innovation Culture instrument. To investigate the plausibility of the proposed integrated, six-factor model, a confi rmatory factor analysis and reliability analysis will be conducted. In the absence of evidence for convergent validity, discriminant validity, or reliability, an alternative factor structure of culture of innovation will be investigated using an exploratory factor analysis (EFA). A subsequent confi rmatory factor FIGURE 1 . BUILDING BLOCKS TO A CULTURE OF INNOVATION While previous research has illustrated the importance of measuring and interpreting results of organizational culture of innovation, few of the instruments in existence, and particularly the Innovation Quotient instrument, have yet to be validated beyond their initial use. 31analysis (CFA) will be conducted to identify evidence for convergent and discriminant validity of the alternate model, and estimates of reliability across multiple organizational groups will be analyzed.
Review of the LiteratureA full review of the literature-including a discussion of the construct of a culture of innovation, a review of available instruments, previous efforts to validate those instruments, and a detailed summary of the Innovation Quotient instrument-is presented in part one of this study (Danks et al., 2017 ). This review of the literature will build on those findings and explore the tenability of a global measure of the culture of innovation, which is consistent with previously discussed instruments (i.e., Aiman-Smith, Goodrich, Roberts, & Scinta, 2005 ;Dobni, 2008 ). Aiman-Smith et al. 's ( 2005 ) ...