Electronic transport in Fermi liquids is usually Ohmic, because of momentum-relaxing scattering due to defects and phonons. These processes can become sufficiently weak in two-dimensional materials, giving rise to either ballistic or hydrodynamic transport, depending on the strength of electron-electron scattering. We show that the ballistic regime is a quantum critical point (QCP) on the regime boundary separating Ohmic and hydrodynamic transport. The QCP corresponds to a free conformal field theory (CFT) with a dynamical scaling exponent z = 1. Its nontrivial aspects emerge in device geometries with shear, wherein the regime has an intrinsic universal dissipation, a nonlocal current-voltage relation, and exhibits the critical scaling of the underlying CFT. The Fermi surface has electron-hole pockets across all angular scales and the current flow has vortices at all spatial scales. We image the fluctuations in high-definition and animate their emergence as experimental parameters are tuned to the QCP a . The vortices clearly demonstrate that Pauli exclusion alone can produce collective effects, with low-frequency AC transport mediated by vortex dynamics b . The scale-invariant spatial structure is much richer than that of an interaction-dominated hydrodynamic regime, which only has a single vortex at the device scale. Our findings provide a theoretical framework for both interaction-free and interaction-dominated non-Ohmic transport in two-dimensional materials, as seen in several contemporary experiments. a Spatial fluctuations: https://vimeo.com/365020115 , Fermi surface fluctuations: https://vimeo.com/ 364982637 b Vortex dynamics and frequency crossover: https://vimeo.com/366725650Quantum critical points (QCP) mediate second-order quantum phase transitions (QPT), produced by tuning non-thermal parameters such as doping, magnetic field or pressure. Systems at QCPs obey universal scaling, and are dominated by quantum fluctuations [1]. A prototypical QPT occurs in the 1D quantum Ising model in a transverse magnetic field, realized in CoNb 2 O 6 [2]. As the external field is increased, the ground state changes from an ordered phase set by exchange interaction to a field-aligned quantum paramagnet. The transition occurs through a QCP with a dynamical scaling exponent z = 1, which connects the correlation length ξ and time τ via τ ∝ ξ z . Remarkably, the ubiquitous Fermi liquid hosts exactly such a QCP in the form of free fermions; a Fermi gas. Absent all interactions, gapless quasiparticles on the Fermi surface obey a relativistic free-field conformal field theory (CFT), with the speed of light set by the Fermi velocity v F [3]. This simple CFT exhibits critical scaling with z = 1. Microscopic interactions are indeed irrelevant, as expected at criticality, because there are none.Although a Fermi gas obeys critical scaling [4], it is never pictured as a QCP. The singleparticle Green's function has a simple pole, not a branch cut characteristic of interacting QCPs [5]; it is unclear how and where critical fluctuatio...