I would also like to acknowledge the faculty of the Department of Applied Economics of the University of Valladolid, for giving me the opportunity to spend five years in such a warm and stimulating environment.Finally, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to my parents, my brother and my sister, for their love and strong support. Without them, I would never have become who I am today.To them I dedicate this thesis. i Resumen Actualmente, está ampliamente aceptado el carácter multidimensional de la pobreza, que involucra no solo la renta, sino también otros aspectos como la educación o la salud. En este entorno multidimensional, es importante analizar la dependencia entre las dimensiones, ya que un alto grado de dependencia podría exacerbar la pobreza. De hecho, esta dependencia interdimensional es el aspecto clave de cualquier análisis multivariante y, por lo tanto, cualquier evaluación certera de la pobreza multidimensional debe tener en cuenta la asociación mul-vast majority of the EU countries dependence in the lower tail tends to be higher than in the upper tail. We also find that, between 2008 and 2014, in most ot the EU countries there was an increase in multivariate lower tail dependence. By contrary, in the post-crisis period of 2014-2018 we find that, in most of the countries, the degree of multivariate lower tail dependence between poverty dimensions remained rather stable. Moreover, if we consider the whole period analysed, only in three of the EU countries multivariate lower tail dependence between poverty dimensions seems to be clearly lower in 2018 than in 2008.