This study compared the performance of two statistical location-aware pictogram prediction mechanisms, with an all-purpose (All) pictogram prediction mechanism, having no location knowledge. The All approach had a unique language model under all locations. One of the location-aware alternatives, the location-specific (Spec) approach, made use of specific language models for pictogram prediction in each location of interest. The other location-aware approach resulted from combining the Spec and the All approaches, and was designated the mixed approach (Mix). In this approach, the language models acquired knowledge from all locations, but a higher relevance was assigned to the vocabulary from the associated location. Results from simulations showed that the Mix and Spec approaches could only outperform the baseline in a statistically significant way if pictogram users reuse more than 50% and 75% of their sentences, respectively. Under low sentence reuse conditions there were no statistically significant differences between the location-aware approaches and the All approach. Under these conditions, the Mix approach performed better than the Spec approach in a statistically significant way.