Let X be a paracompact space, let G be a finite group acting freely on X and let H a cyclic subgroup of G of prime order p. Let f :In this work, we estimate the cohomological dimension of the set A(f, H, G) of (H, G)-coincidence points of f . Also, we estimate the index of a (H, G)coincidence set in the case that H is a p-torus subgroup of a particular group G and as application we prove a topological Tverberg type theorem for any natural number r. Such result is a weak version of the famous topological Tverberg conjecture, which was proved recently, fail for all r that are not prime powers. Moreover, we obtain a generalized Van Kampen-Flores type theorem for any natural number r. main directions considered of this problem are either when the target space Y is a manifold or Y is a CW complex. In the first direction are the papers of Borsuk [4] ( the classical theorem of Borsuk-Ulam, for H = G = Z 2 , X = S n and Y = R n ), Conner and Floyd [5] (for H = G = Z 2 and Y a n-manifold), Munkholm [13] (for H = G = Z p , X = S n and Y = R m ), Nakaoka [14] (for H = G = Z p , X under certain (co)homological conditions and Y a m-manifold) and the following more general version proved by Volovikov [17] using the index of a free Z p -space X (ind X, see Definition 2.2 ):Theorem A.[17, Theorem 1.2] Let X be a paracompact free Z p -space of ind X ≥ n, and f : X → M a continuous mapping of X into an m-dimensional connected manifold M (orientable if p > 2). Assume that: