SUMMARY1. Short (0-81-6 mm) lumbricalis fibres of Rana pipiens were voltage clamped by a two-micro-electrode technique at 5 TC in sucrose hypertonic Ringer solution (SHR). Terminated linear cable analysis suggests that if the current electrode is placed near the centre of the fibre length and the voltage-sensing electrode is placed 0-19 times the fibre length from the current electrode, the fibre can be adequately voltage clamped and the conductance may be simply calculated as I/V for fibre length constants from 1-0 to 0-15 mm.2. In SHR solution lumbricalis fibres have action potentials with peak amplitudes of only + 2 to 7 mV and a slow, gradual repolarization, distinct from the action potentials observed in sartorius muscle. In 60 mM-Na+ SHR the inward Na current could be adequately controlled over the fibre length, providing an estimated Na conductance (GNa) of 8-9 mS/cm2. The magnitude of GNa and GK (delayed rectifier) in lumbricalis fibres was approximately 20 % of that reported for sartorius and semitendinosus, although the resting conductances were similar.3. Fibres demonstrated delayed rectifier currents with complex patterns of activation suggesting two components of conductance (fast, GKrf and slow, GKS) which were combined together in varied amounts: (a) GK,f activated rapidly to a maximum within 80 ms at 0 mV as previously described (Adrian, Chandler & Hodgkin, 1970a); (b) GKS activated gradually with depolarizations below -50 mV and achieving peak currents at about 400 ms at 0 mV.4. In about 10 % of lumbricalis fibres studied, GKS occurred in isolation with a peak magnitude of 1-4+004 mS/cm2 (± S.D.). GKS activation kinetics and tail currents are described by a squared two-state (12) Hodgkin-Huxley model and have a Q10 of 2-8. These currents inactivated with a time constant of 5-7 s at 0 mV. Isolated ,Ks with identical kinetics was also observed in certain sartorius fibres studied with the three-electrode voltage clamp.5. The fractional amount of GKs in the combined delayed rectifier (GKS + GKf) currents could be estimated from analysis of the late activation phase with depolarization. Combined delayed currents were described by summing GKJf currents using a n4 model with GK s currents defined by the 12 model.