The [8Fe-7S] P-cluster
of nitrogenase MoFe protein mediates electron
transfer from nitrogenase Fe protein during the catalytic production
of ammonia. The P-cluster transitions between three oxidation states,
PN, P+, P2+ of which PN↔P+ is critical to electron exchange in the nitrogenase
complex during turnover. To dissect the steps in formation of P+ during electron transfer, photochemical reduction of MoFe
protein at 231–263 K was used to trap formation of P+ intermediates for analysis by EPR. In complexes with CdS nanocrystals,
illumination of MoFe protein led to reduction of the P-cluster P2+ that was coincident with formation of three distinct EPR
signals: S = 1/2 axial and rhombic signals, and a
high-spin S = 7/2 signal. Under dark annealing the
axial and high-spin signal intensities declined, which coincided with
an increase in the rhombic signal intensity. A fit of the time-dependent
changes of the axial and high-spin signals to a reaction model demonstrates
they are intermediates in the formation of the P-cluster P+ resting state and defines how spin-state transitions are coupled
to changes in P-cluster oxidation state in MoFe protein during electron