The fibre-direction tensile strength of carbon/epoxy laminates under the influence of throughthickness compressive stresses has been experimentally investigated. In a unidirectional (UD) laminate, the through-thickness compressive stresses will cause premature longitudinal fibresplitting, masking the effect of transverse stresses on the fibre-direction strength. Here a cross-ply laminate has been used. With the addition of 90° plies preventing the 0° fibres from splitting, it effectively allows the dependence of fibre-direction tensile strength on high through-thickness stresses to be studied. The severity of the through-thickness loads has been varied using cylindrical indenters of different radii, up to the loads near the through-thickness compressive failure stress of the cross-ply laminate. The results show that there is a linear decrease in fibre-direction strength with the mean through-thickness stress. In all the test cases, the specimens failed in a catastrophic brittle manner, with scanning electron micrography showing primarily a fibre tensile fracture mode. The detailed stress state in the specimens has been calculated via finite element analysis. Two failure criteria are proposed, which can be used as conservative design criteria concerning fibre-dominated failures in multiaxial load scenarios.
IntroductionWith the increasing use of composite materials replacing metals in aerospace applications, the need to consider complex load conditions is also increasing. Highly localised throughthickness stresses can often be seen in components where localised contact conditions exist, such as in bolted joints. These stresses may interact with co-existing primary in-plane tensile loading in the fibre-direction, leading to earlier failure. when he studied through-thickness compressive loading on unidirectional and cross-plied carbon/epoxy AS4/8552 laminates. The through-thickness stresses that interact with the unidirectional composite fibre direction strength found in the literature are mostly in the form of hydrostatic pressure, at most up to moderate values of ~700 MPa. The current study is a detailed expansion of initial results presented in [12]. In this work, a biaxial test method is developed to apply highly localised through-thickness compressive stress (locally as high as -1700 MPa, as calculated by linear elastic finite element analysis) on a simple cross-plied carbon/epoxy tensile test specimen.The high through-thickness compressive strength of a cross-plied laminate allows the interaction between a broad range of through-thickness compression and in-plane tensile strength to be examined. Multiple experimental load cases are presented and finite element models have been used to study the stresses within the specimens so that a simple failure criterion can be proposed for engineering design purposes.
Specimen preparation and rig setupThe material under consideration is Hexcel's carbon epoxy pre-preg system, IM7/8552 with a nominal ply thickness of 0.125 mm. Four identical panels wi...