Brittle‐like failure under high confinement impacts many geophysical phenomena, including earthquakes at depths beyond a few tens of kilometers. We reanalyze recent observations of high‐confinement brittle‐like failure of nominally thermodynamically stable ice and antigorite and show that the brittle‐like failure only occurs when the strain rate within an incipient adiabatic instability accelerates to the point that the attendant increase in localized temperature approaches a phase transition temperature, initiating transformational faulting. We test a closed‐form model for this process based on independently measureable parameters by comparing model predictions to observations of brittle‐like failure of ice and antigorite under high confinement. Model results do not constrain the mechanism of transformational faulting. However, the similarity of brittle‐like failure characteristics across a variety of geologic materials suggests a similarity of process. We propose that localized heating due to an adiabatic instability initiates dynamic recrystallization near the phase transformational temperature. Transformational superplasticity during recrystallization concentrates plastic strain ahead of the transformed region, causing dynamic recrystallization there and propagating slip in an autocatalytic manner. The newly recrystallized grains rapidly harden as strain accumulates, limiting the stress drop. As the recrystallized grains harden and the stress increases, localized heating reinitiates the adiabatic instability in the still warm region, concentrating plastic strain due to thermal softening and initiating another wave of dynamic recrystallization and partial stress drop. This process, termed adiabatic transformational faulting, could explain how deep earthquakes can propagate beyond the metastable wedge since the propagation of slip is due to dynamic recrystallization rather than to the primary phase transformation.