We study a new model of complementary valuations, which we call "proportional complementarities." In contrast to common models, such as hypergraphic valuations, in our model, we do not assume that the extra value derived from owning a set of items is independent of the buyer's base valuations for the items. Instead, we model the complementarities as proportional to the buyer's base valuations, and these proportionalities are known market parameters.Our goal is to design a simple pricing scheme that, for a single buyer with proportional complementarities, yields approximately optimal revenue. We define a new class of mechanisms where some number of items are given away for free, and the remaining items are sold separately at inflated prices. We find that the better of such a mechanism and selling the grand bundle earns a 12-approximation to the optimal revenue for pairwise proportional complementarities. This confirms the intuition that items should not be sold completely separately in the presence of complementarities. In the more general case, a buyer has a maximum of proportional positive hypergraphic valuations, where a hyperedge in a given hypergraph describes the boost to the buyer's value for item i given by owning any set of items T in addition. The maximum-outdegree of such a hypergraph is d, and k is the positive rank of the hypergraph. For valuations given by these parameters, our simple pricing scheme is an O(min{d, k})-approximation.Cloud Services Example: A cloud service provider offers multiple heterogeneous items that are both substitutes and complements. You can purchase a general purpose virtual machine (VM) or a special purpose VM such as a "data science VM"; these are substitutes. You can also purchase an upgrade such as a fast solid state disk-drive (SSD) which would be complementary to either of those VMs.The goal of this work is to understand how a revenue-maximizing seller should price items such as Microsoft Office products or cloud services when facing a buyer with such complementarities. To this end, we introduce a new model of complementarities, design a pricing scheme for this model, and show worst-case approximation guarantees.In recent years, there has been a surge of research activity on optimal combinatorial pricing. This is the problem of determining and pricing bundles of heterogeneous items in order to maximize revenue from selling to a buyer who has a combinatorial valuation function. The theme of the research has been simple vs. optimal, where simple pricing schemes are shown to approximate the optimal (possibly randomized) pricing scheme to within a universal constant multiplicative factor, independent of the number of items. E.g., for additive valuations, where the buyer's valuation for any set of items is just the sum of her valuations for each individual item, Babaioff, Immorlica, Lucier, and Weinberg [2014] show that the revenue from either selling each item separately (srev), or selling the grand bundle of all the items (brev) is a 6-approximation. Similar results have ...