This work is a continuation of our previou experimental and theoreticat investigations in the field of aminothiol radioprotectors and anticancer drugs. The best known arninothiols are cysteamine and the natural intracellular radioprotector glutathione (GSH). In this study, we present a tentative discussion of similarity in a class of aminothiols such as: cystearnine, methylafed cysteamine, cysteine, AET, WR-1065, WR-2578 S, 1-102 S , 1-143, penicillamine, and GSH, by using the Randie graph topological method. We havc used the Randit graph approach by introducing weighting factors for hetero bonds (C-0 = x , C-N = y. and C-S = z ) involved in the studied arninothiols. In which case, the paths become polynomials in variables x , y , and z , The similarity is discussed versus ( x , y , z) values, using similarity matrices, introduced as a set of euclidean distances between a pair of vectors in the n-dimensional vector space of paths or in the n-dimensional vector space of atomic indexes.