Based on spectral investigation, the role of nanoaluminium in the combustion phase of pseudo-nanoaluminized micro-cyclic-[CH2N(NO2)]3 (RDX) induced by shock wave is determined. Time-resolved monochromatic emission spectra of AlO (Δν = −1, 0, +1 of X 2Σ+–B 2Σ+) indicated bimodal combustion behaviour as nanoaluminium burns in post-detonation of a nanoaluminized RDX (cyclic-[CH2N(NO2)]3) explosive under an Ar atmosphere, which is in accord with the theoretical reaction temperature. As oxygen replaces Ar, a single emission peak of AlO is observed. The morphology of the condensed products is evaluated by transmission electron microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Analyses of x-ray diffraction and XPS are also performed, concluding that only nano-α-Al2O3 is present in the O2 atmosphere experiments, whereas in the Ar atmosphere, metastable γ- and θ-Al2O3 also exist. AlN is one of the condensed products in Ar atmosphere experiments, which should form at the end of combustion as γ-and θ-Al2O3.