The metabolic pathways leading from l‐[2‐13C]aspartic acid, [2‐13C]glycine and l‐[methyl‐13C]methionine to vitamin B12 were investigated, focusing on the biosynthetic pathways leading to the aminopropanol moiety of vitamin B12 and on the role of the Shemin pathway leading to δ‐aminolevulinic acid (a biosynthetic intermediate of tetrapyrrole), by means of feeding experiments with Propionibacterium shermanii in combination with 13C‐NMR spectroscopy. The 13C‐methylene carbons of l‐[2‐13C]aspartic acid, which is transformed to [2‐13C]glycine via l‐[2‐13C]threonine, and [2‐13C]glycine added to the culture medium served mainly to enrich the seven methyl carbons of the corrin ring through C‐methylation by S‐adenosyl‐l‐[methyl‐13C]methionine derived from catabolically generated l‐[methyl‐13C]methionine in the presence of tetrahydrofolic acid. The results indicate that the catabolism of these amino acids predominates over pathways leading to (2R)‐1‐amino‐2‐propanol or δ‐aminolevulinic acid in P. shermanii. Feeding of l‐[methyl‐13C]methionine efficiently enriched all seven methyl carbons. In the cases of [2‐13C]glycine and l‐[methyl‐13C]methionine, the 13C‐enrichment ratio of the methyl carbon at C‐25 (the site of the first C‐methylation) was less than those of the other six methyl carbons, probably due to the influence of endogenous d‐glucose in P. shermanii. The almost identical 13C‐enrichment ratios of the other six methyl carbons indicated that these C‐methylations during vitamin B12 biosynthesis were completed before the amino acids were completely consumed. However, in the case of l‐[2‐13C]aspartic acid, the 13C‐enrichment ratios of five methyl carbons were low and similar, whereas the last two sites of C‐methylation (C‐53 and C‐35) were not labeled, presumably because of complete consumption of the smaller amount of added label. The ratios of 13C‐incorporation into the seven methyl carbons are influenced by the conditions of amino acid feeding experiments in a manner that is dependent upon the order of C‐methylation in the corrin ring of vitamin B12.