the Ganges Brahmaputra Meghna Delta (GBMD) is a large and complex coastal system whose channel network is vulnerable to morphological changes caused by sea level rise, subsidence, anthropogenic modifications, and changes to water and sediment loads. Locating and characterizing change is particularly challenging because of the wide range of forcings acting on the GBMD and because of the large range of scales over which these forcings act. in this study, we examine the spatial variability of change in the GBMD channel network. We quantify the relative magnitudes and directions of change across multiple scales and relate the spatial distribution of change to the spatial distribution of a variety of known system forcings. We quantify how the channelization varies by computing the Channelized Response Variance (CRV) on 30 years of remotely sensed imagery of the entire delta extent. The CRV analysis reveals hotspots of morphological change across the delta. We find that the magnitude of these hotspots are related to the spatial distribution of the dominant physiographic forcings in the system (tidal and fluvial influence levels, channel connectivity, and anthropogenic interference levels). We find that the anthropogenically modified embanked regions have much higher levels of geomorphic change than the adjacent natural Sundarban forest and that this change is primarily due to channel infilling and increased rates of channel migration. Having a better understanding of how anthropogenic changes affect delta channel networks over human timescales will help to inform policy decisions affecting the human and ecological presences on deltas around the world. Many river deltas are large and complex systems whose channels evolve in response to changes in internal and external forcings. Changes to water inflow, sediment load, land use, subsidence, modern climate, and anthropogenic fluvial modification structures such as dams, levees, embankments, and dredging operations can all play a role in delta morphodynamics. With more than 500 million people living on river deltas around the world 1 , detecting the magnitudes of changes to deltas is critical for managing these systems, and it is especially important to detect the portions of the system that are changing the most. The goal of this study is to examine a large delta channel network to identify if change is occurring, where hotspots of change are occurring, what the rates of change are, and what may be causing the changes in certain areas to be higher than others. This information will help us better understand morphodynamic patterns in delta systems and make predictions to inform policy decisions affecting the human and ecological presences on deltas. Deltas are currently threatened by a variety of factors. As inflow conditions of water and sediment change, channel movement such as channel widening, narrowing, lateral migrations, meandering, and avulsions all act to rework delta landscapes. In addition to the natural morphological evolution of delta systems, changes can also be