Abstract-Electroporation-based applications require the use of specific pulse parameters for a successful outcome. When recommended values of pulse parameters cannot be set, similar outcomes can be obtained by using equivalent pulse parameters. We determined the relations between the amplitude and duration/number of pulses resulting in the same fraction of electroporated cells. Pulse duration was varied from 150 ns to 100 ms, and the number of pulses from 1 to 128. Fura 2-AM was used to determine electroporation of cells to Ca 2+ . With longer pulses or higher number of pulses, lower amplitudes are needed for the same fraction of electroporated cells. The expression derived from the model of electroporation could describe the measured data on the whole interval of pulse durations. In a narrower range (0.1-100 ms), less complex, logarithmic or power functions could be used instead. The relation between amplitude and number of pulses could best be described with a power function or an exponential function. We show that relatively simple two-parameter power or logarithmic functions are useful when equivalent pulse parameters for electroporation are sought. Such mathematical relations between pulse parameters can be important in planning of electroporationbased treatments, such as electrochemotherapy and nonthermal irreversible electroporation.