Homogenates of porcine endometrium contain substantial activity for the dehydrogenation of estradiol-17\g=b\ but little for estrone reduction. Both activities are associated with cytoplasmic structures. The dehydrogenase is characterized by a pH 7.7 optimum, Km 2.2 \m=x\ 10\m=-\7 mol/l for estradiol and Km 4.4 \m=x\10\m=-\5mol/l for the cosubstrate NAD+. The corresponding figures for the reductase are pH 6.6, Km 1.1 \m=x\10\m=-\6mol/1 for estrone and Km 2.1 \m=x\10\m=-\5mol/l for the cosubstrate NADPH. The (mitochondrial/lysosomal) 17 000 \m=x\ g particulate fraction contains a 52-fold higher dehydrogenase than reductase activity. The (microsomal) 200 000 \m=x\ g particulate fraction is only 16-fold richer in dehydrogenase. Isopycnic centrifugations of the two fractions in Percoll gradients reveal that estrone reductase and the coequilibrating marker enzyme cytochrome c reductase occur in constant proportions, whereas the dehydrogenase/cytochrome c reductase ratios are different. Both, the kinetic data and the structural assignments speak in favour of individual enzymes catalyzing the dehydrogenation of estradiol and the reduction of estrone. All gradient fractions exhibiting dehydrogenase activity feature small, electrondense vesicles of 0.15\p=n-\0.20\g=m\min diameter as a common structural element which might harbour the dehydrogenase.Estradiol is metabolized after nuclear passage in porcine endometrium cells by dehydrogenation to estrone (1,2), and subsequent hydroxylation at either 6a-or 7a-(3). Our previous results sug¬ gested a localization of the 17ß-ol dehydrogenase in organdíes resembling lysosomes in size and density, although the pH optimum of the enzyme was in the neutral range. We re-investigated this discrepancy by employing novel techniques for homogenization and organeile separation (4). The ex¬ periments were also thought to clarify whether the prevailing oxidation of estradiol to estrone and the less prominent reversal are catalyzed by one and the same enzyme or by individual entities at differ¬ ent localizations. This might help in exploring the mechanism by which the cell terminates the hor¬ monal stimulus.
Materials and MethodsThiamine pyrophosphate was bought from Sigma (Mün¬ chen, FRG); NAD+ and NADPH from Boehringer Mann¬ heim (Mannheim, FRG); Percoll from Pharmacia (Frei¬ burg, FRG); Triton X-100 from Serva (Heidelberg, FRG); xylene-based fluor, estrone, estradiol, estriol and all other grade A chemicals were from E.Merck (Darmstadt, FRG). Tritium-labelled steroids [2,4,6,7-3H]estrone,specific activity 95 Ci/mmol and [6,7-3H] estradiol, specific activity 59 Ci/mmol were from New England Nuclear (Dreieich/FRG) and purified before use. Bond Elut RP-18 (100 mg) solid-phase extraction columns were from Analytichem International (Harbor City, CA); reversed-phase columns LiChrosorb RP-18, RT 250-4, 5 um, and guard columns, RT 4-4, 10 um, were from E.Merck; acetonitrile HPLC-grade was bought from Zinsser (Frankfurt, FRG). Milli-Q H20, Millipore (Eschborn, FRG) was used for HPLC.Endometrium was ...