Seeds of Gliricidia sepium, a fast-growing woody legume native to seasonal tropical forests of Central America, were inoculated with N 2 -fixing Rhizobium bacteria and grown in environmentally controlled glasshouses for 67-71 days under ambient CO 2 (35 Pa) and elevated CO 2 (70 Pa) conditions. Seedlings were watered with an N-free, but otherwise complete, nutrient solution such that bacterial N 2 fixation was the only source of N available to the plant. The primary objective of our study was to quantify the effect of CO 2 enrichment on the kinetics of photosynthate transport to nodules and determine its subsequent effect on N 2 fixation. Photosynthetic rates and carbon storage in leaves were higher in elevated CO 2 plants indicating that more carbon was available for transport to nodules. A 14 CO 2 pulse-chase experiment demonstrated that photosynthetically fixed carbon was supplied by leaves to nodules at a faster rate when plants were grown in elevated CO 2 . Greater rates of carbon supply to nodules did not affect nodule mass per plant, but did increase specific nitrogenase activity (SNA) and total nitrogenase activity (TNA) resulting in greater N 2 fixation. In fact, a 23% increase in the rate of carbon supplied to nodules coincided with a 23% increase in SNA for plants grown in elevated CO 2 , suggesting a direct correlation between carbon supply and nitrogenase activity. The improvement in plant N status produced much larger plants when grown in elevated CO 2 . These results suggest that Gliricidia, and possibly other N 2 -fixing trees, may show an early and positive growth response to elevated CO 2 , even in severely N-deficient soils, due to increased nitrogenase activity.