Oscillations and multistability in oxidation processes at solid electrodes are important for several reasons. First, they were reported for species that are (or can appear) important in chemical engineering of fuels, including the fuel cells: hydrogen, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, formic acid/formate ions, 2-propanol, 1-butanol, hydrazine, or ethylene glycol. It can be useful to know how to avoid instabilities involving these species or, on the contrary, to profit from them. Second, electrooxidation of these molecules exhibits rich variety of nonlinear dynamic behaviors which can be treated in a model way for the sake of generalization. Third, some of these processes, under appropriate conditions, can become a source of spatial or spatiotemporal patterns on electrodes which phenomena only recently gained satisfactory explanation and description. In this chapter, we shall summarize the temporal phenomena associated with the oxidation of the above-mentioned molecules, while pattern formation will be discussed in separate Chap. 2 of volume II.Current research data indicate that such processes should be qualified as electrocatalytic, i.e., the electrode surface is actively engaged in the kinetics of the electron transfer reaction, usually involving the process taking place via the adsorbed intermediate. As in the case of other types of electrochemical oscillators, one can observe the evolution of the understanding of the source of chemical instabilitiesfrom early, sometimes oversimplified explanations oriented exclusively on the properties of the electrode/electrolyte interface toward more recent concepts, involving the analysis of the system's stability in terms of nonlinear dynamics. In particular, oscillations under galvanostatic conditions could be understood only recently in terms of the concept of the HN-NDR oscillator [1] (cf. Chap. 3).The anodic oxidation of H 2 on Pt electrode is an electrocatalytic process, in which the electron transfer is preceded by the adsorption of H 2 molecule on the active surface site. Hence, the oscillatory course of this process can be associated M. Orlik, Self-Organization in Electrochemical Systems I, Monographs in Electrochemistry,