Preparation of the Compounds 1 and -The acylsilane 1 and the methyl ketone 2 were synthesized starting from 7,8-dihydro-y-ionone 3 in 17 and 30% overall yields, respectively (see Scheme I ) . Reaction of the iodide 4 (obtained from 3 via 5+6+7 with the 2-lithio derivatives of 8') and 9 [9] [lo] gave the 1,3-dithianes 10 (92%) and 11 (94%) which were dethioacetalized by treatment with Tl(NO,),. 3H,O [ll] [12] affording 1 (54%) and 2 (88%), respectively.given in the Table and the photoproducts depicted in Scheme 2. 3. Photolysis Experiments. -3.1. Irradiation of the Acylsilane 1. The results are Scheme 2 OOH 12 19 13 1 17Prepared by reaction of 2-lithio-1,3-dithiane with (t-buty1)dimethylsilyl chloride