The mechanism of synthesis of maleic and succinic anhydrides from acetylene and CO in the PdBr2--LiBr--organie solvent catalytic system was studied using the procedure of advancement and discrimination of hypotheses. The hypotheses were obtained using the data bank on elementary steps and the Combl combinatorial program. The discrimination of the hypotheses was based on the data of NMR and IR spectroscopy, studies of isotope exchange, the role of potential organic intermediates, the kinetic isotope effect, and one-factor kinetic experiments. The most probable mechanism of synthesis of maleic anhydride includes insertion of acetylene and CO into the Pd--Pd bond of the Pd I complex, which is formed from Pd II at the initial step of the process. Succinic anhydride results from the intramolecufar transformation of the hydride complex of palladium and maleic anhydride. The palladium hydride complexes detected in the contact solution apparently play the crucial rote in the conjugation of oxidation, reduction, and addition type reactions.Key words: reaction mechanisms, advancement and discrimination of hypotheses; alkynes, carbonylation, kinetics, isotope effect; suecinic anhydride, maleic anhydride, synthesis from acetylene and CO. Carbonylation of alkynes makes it possible to synthesize numerous oxygen-containing organic compounds (saturated and unsaturated acids, esters, amides, tactones, ketones, anhydrides) under mild conditions and presents both practical and theoretical interest, i-4 Recently, 5 the most promising method for the synthesis of methyl methacrylate has been developed; the method is based on the carbonylation of methylacetylene in solutions of palladium complexes.Palladium derivatives are the most active catalysts for the reactions of alkynes with carbon monoxide involving other reactants. 6 The catalytic methods for the synthesis of polyesters, succinic anhydride and products based on it, esters of alkynylcarboxylic acids, and citraconic anhydride developed in recent years are of practical interest. 6Cobalt-and palladium-based catalysts often promote simultaneous occurrence of oxidative, reductive, and "additive" (not redox) carbonylation of alkynes. 4,6 A number of studies have been devoted to the mechanism of conjugation of reactions of various redox types. 6,7 This study deals with the mechanism of the recently discovered synthesis of succinic anhydride 7 and also with the relationship between the mechanisms of formation of succinic and maleic anhydrides.* Dedicated to the memory of Academician M. E. Vol'pin timed to his 75th birthday.
ExperimentalExperiments were carried out in a gas-flow-type reactor maintained at a constant temperature (40 ~ with intense stirring of the gas and liquid phases under atmospheric pressure. The initial solution (PdBr2--LiBr--organic solvent) was prepared directly in the reactor. A gas mixture (CO and C2H~) of the required composition was prepared beforehand in a gas meter and supplied to the reactor through columns with a drying agent at a velocity of ~2.2 L (L rain...