Previously reported theories for cyclical electrical field flow fractionation (CyElFFF) are severely limited in that they do not account for diffusion, steric, or electric double layer effects. Experiments have shown that these theories overpredict the retention of particles in CyElFFF. In this work, we present a model for prediction of steric, diffusion, and electrical effects. The electrical double layer effects are treated using a lumped electrical circuit model that accounts for the field shielding by the electrical double layer formed at the electrode-carrier interface. The electrical effects are shown to dominate retention times and outweigh the contributions of diffusion and particle size. Detailed results from the simulations are presented in this work, and a comparison between the theoretical and experimental results obtained from the retentions of polystyrene particle standards is presented in this paper. The models are shown to correctly predict the retention of the polystyrene standards in CyElFFF with a reasonable error, while existing models are shown to have significant failings.