Aim. In the Russian Federation, various types of care (primary care; specialized, including high-tech, care; ambulance, including specialized emergency care; palliative care) in different conditions (outpatient, day hospital and inpatient) and forms (elective, emergency and immediate) are provided. The basis is primary health care (PHC). This also applies to military personnel, since the level of their health maintenance, recovery, and the workload of military health facilities with sick military personnel depend on the effective PHC. Thus, consideration of legal regulation and areas of concern of providing primary health care to military personnel is an urgent task and aim of the work, which requires appropriate conceptualization.Material and methods. Characteristics of legal regulation and areas of concern of providing PHC to military personnel was studied using comparative legal, formal legal and comprehensive methodological approaches. The practical implementation of these approaches and obtaining meaningful scientific data is carried out using analytical-synthetic, deductive-inductive, system-essential and abstract-concrete methods of cognition.Results. The main results include a generalization of regulatory legal requirements in providing PHC to military personnel.Conclusion. The specifics of providing PHC were studied. A comparative legal study of PHC provision within compulsory health insurance and military personnel without insurance policy has been carried out. The problems associated with the legal aspects of organizing and implementing the PHC provision to military personnel are summarized and specific ways to solve them are proposed.