RESUMO Objetivo: Analisar os aspectos comportamentais de puérperas com sífilis. Métodos: Estudo descritivo, quantitativo, realizado em sete maternidades públicas de Fortaleza, Ceará. A coleta de dados ocorreu no período de abril a junho de 2014 por meio da aplicação de um questionário cujas informações foram complementadas nos prontuários médicos, nas fichas de admissão e nos cartões de pré-natal. Foram entrevistadas 204 puérperas com VDRL reagente e que se encontravam no alojamento conjunto dessas maternidades após terem sido admitidas para o parto ou curetagem. Resultados: Acerca dos aspectos comportamentais identificou-se que 65,7% das mulheres iniciaram a vida sexual com idade igual ou inferior a 15 anos, tiveram mais de um parceiro sexual na vida 92,6% e não planejaram a gravidez 40,2%. Tentaram induzir o aborto, 9,8%. Quase metade das mulheres não possuía conhecimento sobre a sífilis antes de receberem o diagnóstico além de 16,7% afirmarem não terem revelado o resultado do exame ao parceiro. Relataram o uso drogas durante a gravidez, 44,6% e destas, 56,1% fez uso de drogas ilícitas, 51,3% disseram já ter tido parceiro usuário de drogas. Conclusão: Conclui-se que as puérperas com sífilis vivenciam situações de vulnerabilidade e risco envoltos por questões sociais de difícil rompimento, que dificultam o diagnóstico e tratamento efetivos, comprometendo a prevenção da SC. ABSTRACT Introduction: Syphilis is a serious public health problem, especially when it affects pregnant women, and these are not adequately treated, allowing the infection to pass on to the fetus, causing congenital syphilis (CS), with severe outcomes for the baby. Objective: To analyze the behavioral aspects of puerperal women with syphilis. Methods: Descriptive, quantitative study carried out in seven public maternity hospitals in Fortaleza, Ceará. Data collection took place from April to June 2014 by applying a questionnaire of which information was complemented by medical files, admission records and prenatal cards. Twenty-four postpartum women with reagent VDRL test were interviewed. These women were in rooming-in care at these hospitals, after being admitted for childbirth or curettage. Results: Regarding the behavioral aspects, it was observed that 65.7% of the women initiated their sexual activity at age ≤ 15 years, 92.6% had had more than one sexual partner and 40.2% did not plan the pregnancy. Also, 9.8% tried to induce an abortion. Almost half of the women did not have information about syphilis before receiving the diagnosis, and 16.7% had not disclosed the test results to the partner. 44.6% of them reported using drugs during the pregnancy and, of these, 56.1% used illicit drugs, whereas 51.3% said they had already had a partner who was a drug user. Conclusion: We conclude that postpartum women with syphilis experience situations of vulnerability and risk related to social issues that are difficult to resolve, thus making an effective diagnosis and treatment difficult, impairing CS prevention.