Tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) was used as the silicon source, and polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) was the organic precursor to modify the surface of glass ber (GF) through the sol-gel method. The modi ed GF noted T-GF was lled in PTFE to prepare PTFE/T-GF composites. SEM, FTIR, XPS, and contact angle con rmed that organic-inorganic hybrids were successfully loaded on GF's surface. Compared with PTFE/GF and the conventional coupling agent modi ed GF lled PTFE composites, the properties of PTFE/T-GF composites, including dielectric properties, mechanical properties, moisture absorption, thermal conductivity, and coe cient of thermal expansion (CTE), enhanced signi cantly for the improvement of compatibility of PTFE and GF. Moreover, the PTFE/T-GF exhibited improved dielectric constant (2.305), decreased dielectric loss (9.08E -4 ), higher bending strength (21.45 MPa) and bending modulus (522 MPa), better thermal conductivity (0.268 W/m*K) and lower CTE (70 ppm/℃), making it has promising application as the substrate materials for printed circuit board.