The Sasak community is the Sasak people who live on the island of Lombok. The Sasak tribe is the highest percentage population who live on the island of Lombok. In teaching character values, the Sasak community always transfers character values in their generations conveyed through folklore. This research aims to describe the value of character education contained in Sasak folklore, namely, Putri Mandalika and Tiwok-iwok. This study is qualitative descriptive research with a literature study approach. The data collection techniques used were documentation and literature study. The data analysis used was a qualitative content analysis technique. This research focuses on 5 (five) character education values, namely: religious (love of peace, tolerance, respect for differences, determination, selfconfidence, cooperation, anti-bullying, friendship, sincerity, not forcing your will, loving the environment, and protecting the small and marginalized); Characteristics of Nationalism (love for the homeland, proud to be Indonesian, have a sense of brotherhood, solidarity, peace and nonviolence between community groups, participate in the progress of the nation and state, have culture, participate, develop Indonesian unity, live up to the values basic in the 1945 Constitution and Pancasila (the Five Pillars), and places national unity and integrity); Independent character (work ethic, tough and highly motivated, professional, creative, brave to try, and a lifelong learner); character of mutual cooperation (respect for others, helping each other, solidarity, empathy, volunteerism, and consensus deliberation); and integrity character (honesty, love of truth, moral commitment, anti-corruption attitude, justice, responsibility and exemplary). The results of the research show that the percentage of religious characters in Sasak folklore is 23.96%; the percentage of nationalist character education is 12.90%; the percentage of independent character education is 20.99%; the percentage of mutual cooperation character education is 29.01%, the percentage of integrity education value is 13.14%. It is indicated that the value of character education in Sasak folklore, especially Putri Mandalika and Tiwok-Iwork, is quite varied.