The phase diagram of InSb has been studied by energy-dispersive X-ray diffraction with synchrotron radiation at pressures up to 8 GPa and temperatures up to 800 K in a Paris-Edinburgh cell. At room temperature InSb transforms above 2.5 GPa from the zincblende structure to a sixfoldcoordinated orthorhombic structure with Pmm2 (Cmcm) space group (InSb IV). In previous studies it was proposed that another orthorhombic structure with Immm space group (InSb 11) existed at higher temperature. We show that this phase is actually metastable, the InSb IV one being the stable form. The low-pressure melting curve and the triple point position are confirmed and the high pressure melting curve as well as the phase boundaries between the high pressure phases have been determined precisely. A new pressure-temperature phase diagram for InSb is established which eliminates contradictions in the previously proposed diagrams of its solid phases.